Selling a classic car can be difficult and you will likely encounter a few obstacles along the way. Attempting to sell it yourself can be even more difficult if you are hoping to get a high price for your car. It can sometimes prove impossible to receive the right offer if you are attempting to sell your classic car through the usual channels such as Auto Trader. That’s why we have come up with some top tips on how you can sell your classic car and still achieve the sale price you’re looking for.
Get Your Car Inspected
Although you may need a MOT on your classic car, it can also be a good idea to get I thoroughly inspected by a specialist mechanic and you might even want to consider a service. This will make sure that everything on your car is still in good working order and it gives the buyer confidence when buying.
However, you should be mindful to take your classic car to a specialist that regularly deals with classic vehicles or the model of your car in particular. This is because the maintenance and service on a classic car can be much different to modern cars. You will only want to replace what is necessary as well so make sure you take it to a trusted mechanic.
Setting the Right Value
It is important that you make sure you are being realistic when it comes to selling your car. For many people, a classic car is a prized possession and everyone will have a figure they would like to achieve in their head. But this figure isn’t always realistic and you should make sure that you have the right valuation in mind before looking to sell.
A good place to start looking and get a valuation is through other classic car websites and magazines. You could also see if your car has been listed on Auto Trader or if it is currently on there. However, just because the car has been advertised at this price doesn’t mean this is what it will sell for. You should get a good idea of a valuation from the mechanic that inspects the car.
How to Sell Your Car
If you are not going to sell your car through traditional methods, such as car magazines or Auto Trader, then you might be left wondering how you can sell your car. A fantastic option for selling your classic car can be brokerage services. This provides a great option for classic cars as it removes the hassle of trying to find a buyer and achieve the right price.
When selling your car through brokerage, you consign it to a specialist in the field that will use their contacts and expertise to help you achieve the price you are looking for your car. This will also leave the experts to work through the negotiations so that you don’t have to worry about it. There is usually just a small fee on the sale but you are likely to get a much higher sale price.
If you are interested in classic car brokerage services, then we have the perfect solution to meet your needs. Our expert team has a great deal of experience in selling classic cars and can help you achieve the right price. Get in touch with DM Historics if you are looking for car consignment or brokerage.