DM Historics is always on the lookout for classic cars, but as the yearly clock turns over we’ve found ourselves wanting change, just as everyone else does at this time of year. We want to freshen up our stock of classics, from Vintage Sports to 80s Supercars, we’re interested in anything you may have. If you want to make changes to your classic collection, then be sure to talk to us, as we can help with both the acquisition and brokerage side of things.
Our expert sales team have a great deal of experience in the classic car world, having run E-Type UK for 10 years and being heavily involved with classic cars before that. Through use of our ever-growing list of contacts and our very active use of social media, magazine and website advertisements; we can ensure the perfect buyer for your classic is found. With our highly competitive SOR rates, we can make sure you get the perfect price too.
Even if you aren’t ready to part with your car just yet, we can still offer a number of services to aid with any part of your classic motoring. Our team are happy to talk to you about what you want to achieve with your classic car.
We’re thoroughly excited to see what 2018 brings for DM Historics as a newly-born venture!